Brian Hamburger

Attorney, Consultant, and Industry Advocate

Brian Hamburger

Attorney, Consultant, and Industry Advocate

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I'm a devoted champion of, independent wealth manager entrepreneurs. My professional passions span business strategy, elegant design, innovative technology, business process engineering, advocacy and communications, demystifying complex issues, and creating an extraordinary service culture.

Personally, I'm devoted to nonprofit board service through the MarketCounsel Foundation and Invest in Others, a Team Rubicon Greyshirt and a chef for the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. I'm an avid boater, world traveler and photographer.

Most importantly, I'm a father of three awesome kids who teach me humility, gratitude and never miss an opportunity to demonstrate life's endless possibilities.

  • Work
    • MarketCounsel | HamburgerLaw
  • Education
    • Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    • University of Miami School of Law
    • Quinnipiac University
    • Leonia High School