Joseph Darlington

Designer and Writer in New Jersey

Joseph Darlington

Designer and Writer in New Jersey

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Let’s face it, everyone would like to be more like Bond, but Joseph Darlington just wants to BE James Bond. He sees Bond as more than just a fictional action hero, but as the personification of perfection, a vehicle for experiencing the maximum that life has to offer, and an ideal that we can all aspire to. Darlington became obsessed with walking in James Bond’s footsteps, learning how to do anything that Bond can do, and doing everything that Bond has done–and each Bond-inspired experience proved to be some of the greatest of his life.

Being James Bond is your ‘How-to Guide’ on anything James Bond can do, or has done. James Bond seems to know how to do just about everything, and here is your new instruction manual for making Bond’s knowledge and skills your own. Informative and fun, each chapter will bring you a step closer to being James Bond!

If James Bond can do it, YOU can do it!