Health and Medical Sales, Inc.

Lives in 788 N 2150 W Circle, Cedar City, UT 84721

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Phone: 1-888-649-3650

Ionic foot detox is an effective and gentle method to cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate the human body by drawing out the toxins from the human body through the soul. Through the use of an ionic foot spa, your entire body will experience a great cleansing of years worth of accumulated toxins stored within the foot. It's time to let your feet breathe again! The best part about ionic foot detox is that it is an all-natural method with minimal to no side effects and can be safely performed at home. If you are looking to kick start your health routine or restore your health naturally, Ionic Foot Detox could be for you.

Business Hours: 8am-6pm Mountain Time, Monday-Friday