Heather McPherson

Portland, Oregon

Heather McPherson

Portland, Oregon

Truly, nothing makes me happier then to help others, motivate, guide, listen, share. We are all in this world for a reason, and for me it is to help others, share my experiences so perhaps someone else can have an easier road to success.

I am very passionate about Ballroom Dancing. I am a student of dance and always will be. Competing just feeds my soul. It is my goal to ALWAYS look 10-15 years younger than my drivers license and dancing is one way I do this!

Life is about change and challenging yourself! I have been successful in my business, spiritually, and relationally by facing fears. I am now working on the health piece from the inside out! I love new adventures, how about you? Care to join me?

  • Work
    • Motivator
  • Education
    • Portland State University