Heattrak LLC

Snow and Social Media Manager in Atlanta, Georgia

Heattrak LLC

Snow and Social Media Manager in Atlanta, Georgia

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Heattrak knows that every winter, homeowner and business / industrial owner in the northern halfor so of the United States and all around Canada face the dilemma of how to rid their drivewaysof snow/ ice build-up without doing any damage in the process. The potential for injury byslipping is of high concern. Heattrak is the leading solution that eliminates the need tosalt and shovel by creating a walkway and saving you time and effort with the peace of mindknowing that your walkway and driveway is safe.

Finally, an easy solution to snow removal that doesn't require salt or the hassle of shoveling.With Heattrak mats, you can sit back and watch your driveway, storefront, and industrial businessmelt away the snow and ice. With Heattrak, you can feel assured and calm knowing that no one willslip and injure themselves at your home or business. These snow safety mats melt 2 inches per hour,and run at a relatively low heat cost.

Enjoy your snow days again with Heated Snow Melting Mats! Prevent snow and ice accumulationaround the home, outdoor walkways & stairs, driveways, small business storefronts, industrialfacilities or commercial environments. Either it being a smaller residential walkway,or largestorefront and industrial building. The price of owning a snow melting mat is well worth theinvestment.