Heidi Sieck

CEO, Public Speaker, and Class Activist in New York

Heidi Sieck

CEO, Public Speaker, and Class Activist in New York

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*Co-Founder/CEO - #VOTEPROCHOICE, a civic tech platform to elect prochoice candidates in every election everywhere

* Former Board of Directors and Chair, National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH)

* Former Board of Directors, Advocate.io * technology to strengthen representative democracy and increase its reach around the world.

* Founding COO * Civic Hall * a community center for civic innovation

* Founding COO * Democracy.com * the worlds first social platform for politics

* Founding Leadership Team * CTZNWELL * A movement for the wellbeing of all

* Interim COO * Rock the Vote * engaging young people for 25 years

  • Work
  • Education
    • Harvard University
    • University of Nebraska–Lincoln