Helen Macey

Inwood, New York

COMMITMENT, is that turning point in your life when you SEIZE THE MOMENT and convert it into an opportunity to ALTER YOUR DESTINY." Denis Waitley

After teaching Mathematics for 17 years, and loving every moment with my students, I decided to change careers 3 years ago and start this amazing journey as a personal trainer. Why? 2 reasons. First, like teaching, I have an opportunity to impact people lives in a more diverse classroom named, fitness. Second, perhaps my story could motivate someone to COMMIT. FOCUS. ACHIEVE.

My story: I was 200 pounds. Lost 60 pounds. No extreme diets. COMMITMENT. You be the judge. How do I look?

Train with me: are you looking to lose a couple (or more) pounds? Want to feel strong, lean, and fit? Contact me at [email protected] for a complimentary consultation, small group fitness classes, individual classes, nutritional guide or join me at the Inwood Hill Park every Friday at 9:30am. If 9:30am doesn't work for you, contact me for additional times. Invite your friends and let's make a difference together.

  • Work
    • New York Health Racquet Club
  • Education
    • B.A. Maths/Spanish. M.A. K-12 Administration