Helen Arden

Co Founder in Hahei, New Zealand

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At the heart of every environmental decision made about the direction of Greencane is Helen Arden.

A sounding board for the business, Helen’s measured nature balances Geoff’s enthusiasm and energy which she describes as endless and inspiring.

Helen has spent most of her career as a dentist before she chose to focus on raising the couple’s daughters, Ruby and Meg and has been involved in the environmental direction of Greencane since its fruition.

Helen said: “I’ve seen the age range of our customers widen, which I hope is a sign that more young people are becoming interested earlier in life in making everyday choices that have a positive impact on the environment.

“Our customers are passionate about the environment and ethical products and Greencane offers them an opportunity to remain environmentally aware when choosing paper products.”

Helen enjoys reading on wellness and nutrition and is a happy vegetarian.