Helen Blunden

Always Learning in Melbourne, Australia

Helen Blunden

Always Learning in Melbourne, Australia

Visit my website

I guess you want to find out a little about me.

After COVID, I had a major mindset transformation where I reassessed everything in my life that didn't make me feel like my true self and aligning to my values.

This meant I left behind a career as a Learning Consultant for big business. In its place, was focussing on active learning and exploration for personal development, transformation and growth that would take me into the next phase of my life into my 50s and beyond.

I believe that constant learning is important to help us with a world that is constantly changing, complex and illogical.

I'm now using my time and attention to explore deeper ties and relationships with people in my my local community, include more music, art, philosophy, language and cultural experiences into my life. I spend a hefty amount of my time writing, reflecting and appreciating the world around me.

My aim is to have more connections with people and my community as the world becomes more digitised, data obsessed and artificial.

I'm building my Future Self.

No more corporate and business bullshit. No social media. No AI. No bots. Limited tech.

It's time to grow up, keep learning and most of all, have fun.

We have ONE life. I'm enjoying it now.

  • Work
    • Lifelong Learner
  • Education
    • MBA (Tech Management)
    • BSc(Hons)
    • Diploma Training & Assessment
    • Virtual Classroom Design, Insynch
    • Virtual Classroom Instruction, Insync