Helen Tweedle Needham

programme manager and blogger in Beaconsfield, United Kingdom

Helen Tweedle Needham

programme manager and blogger in Beaconsfield, United Kingdom

Read my blog

I work as a Programme Management consultant within financial services to help clients improve efficiency and productivity by adopting business process and technology based change across multiple locations and business groups.

When I am not working, I am either with my kids and exploring the world through their eyes or I am using my camera and exploring the world through my viewfinder.

Recently we discovered my son has a form of autism known as demand avoidance, so I am learning what I can and trying to drive the awareness & understanding of those around us. More specifically I am interested in the concept of neuro-diversity and embracing the strengths of people who are 'on the spectrum'.

I am also interested in how the concepts of social media, task collaboration & workflow management, knowledge management and information visualisation can be applied to large-scale change programmes to support programme planning, task execution and progress monitoring & reporting.

  • Work
    • Capco
  • Education
    • City University (London)
    • University of Natal