David Herman

Miami Beach, Florida

David Herman's broad marketing experience and working partnerships with marketing and technology experts worldwide enable him to devise potent strategies and implement them swiftly and effectively. David Herman holds an MA from Cambridge University, England, speak several foreign languages fluently and has over 15-years of diverse Marketing, Communications and Brand Strategy experience: - Agency and Client side - B2C and B2B - European and US environments - huge global hegemonies (Procter & Gamble, General Motors, Mars Confectionery, Bristol Myers Squibb) and early-stage to medium-size hi-tech & medical companies He specializes in maximizing marketing investment by impacting positively and demonstrably on revenue, lead generation and sales pipeline development. Currently his most effective tools are website development, search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising. David Herman's "special sauce" is combining technology, psychology and the power of the English language to achieve measurable competitive advantage (and yes, he can explain what he means by that!).

  • Work
    • Web Marketing For Dentists
  • Education
    • Manchester Grammar School
    • Jesus College, Cambridge