Manuel Herrera-Usagre, PhD

Teacher, Researcher, and Consultant in Sevilla, España

Manuel Herrera-Usagre, PhD

Teacher, Researcher, and Consultant in Sevilla, España

I'm a researcher, teacher, father, and artist in Web3. I also work as a professor and consultant at the University of Sevilla (Spain).

Consultancy in:

- Manipulation and analysis of extensive database (Big data analysis, Data Mining)
- Reviewing the relevant literature both in social and biomedical sciences (meta-analysis, systematic reviews)

- Study design in social sciences (objectives definition, methodology, fieldwork planning, analysis, report writing, and communication plan)

- Biostatistics and complex statistical methods commonly used in clinical trials and experimental designs. For example, categorical data analysis, ANOVA, MANCOVA, mixed models, Cox proportional-hazard models, survival analysis, and non-parametric methods

- Quantitative social research methods, including but not limited to counterfactual analysis, bayesian statistical models, classification and regression trees, boosted regression trees, log-linear analysis, latent class analysis, binomial and multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least-squares regression, factor analysis, multiple correspondence analysis, computational modeling and machine learning techniques

- Assisting in the preparation of manuscripts

I teach about all of this as well :)

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  • Work
    • University of Sevilla
  • Education
    • University of Seville
    • University of Granada
    • Linnaeus University