Robert Fukui

I've spent the last 20 years in marketing and sales for Fortune 500 companies such as Coca-Cola, Novartis Pharmaceutical and Bristol-Myers Squibb. Last year, I decided to start helping small businesses and non-profits create and execute marketing strategies that will increase revenue and donations respectively. High Point Marketing has since been developed and we're having fun helping out organizations be more successful.

I have been happily married to my wife Kay Lee for 6 years now and our welsh corgi Scooter is also spoiled with love. How can you not love that face?

I am active in the community volunteering at a local orphanages as well as the local chamber of commerce. I sit on several boards or advisory commitees for a church, non-profits and soon, local chamber of commerce.

I believe success starts with your passion which leads to planning and eventually takes a step of faith to move forward despite any fears and apprehension. Importantly, surround yourself with positive people that will support you!