Hiroko Sasaki


Hiroko Sasaki


Hiroko Sasaki was born in Miyagi (Japan) in 1982 and started music studies at the age of 5 in Yahama Music School, and started singing in Childrens Choir a the age of 9. The started vocal studies at the age of 5 with Soprano Ryuko Iwase. Hiroko studied concert-and opera singing with Keiko Owa, at the Department of Music in Miyagi University of Educarion from 2000 to 2004. She has been a soloist of the University's Opera and Sendai Opera Studio from 2000 to 2010. Operatic roles include: 'Marcerina''Cherubino' in 'Le Nozze di Figaro' (Mozart), 'Dritte Dame' in 'Die Zauberflöte' (Mozart) and 'Fidalma' in ' Il matrimonio segreto' (Cimarosa), Romeo in 'I Capuleti e i Montecchi' (Bellini) in productions of Sendai Opera Studio. Hiroko is also a member of the World Youth Choir,Asian Youth CHoir, Japan Youth Choir, The Elizabeth Singers(Hiroshima) with whom he toured in Germany, Poland, Israel, China, Macau, Hongkong, Indonesia, South-Korea and Japan. In 2006, she started specializing in baroque singing with Nao Hirose and Eri Takahashi, Mutsumi Hatano. She performs with several renaissance and baroque ensembles. As a ensemble singer, she also performs regularly with Vocal Quartet"laulaula", "The Cygnus Vocal Ensemble" "The Elizabeth Singers(Hirosima)""Japan Chamber Choir" and multi-cultural ensemble"Asiaccatura". She is also a vocal coach in Kansai erea who instructs singers on how to improve their singing technique, take care of and develop their voice, and prepare for the performance of a song or other work, for private lesson/group/students choir, with her studies in Yoga, Alexander Teqnique. Hiroko has completed a teacher education program in both of Music, Arts, and also qualified teacher in Yoga. She also studied World Music /Japanese folk music like Kagura,Japanese Drum, Gameran, Samba, Jazz etc... Loves all kind of Music, Arts. loves... early music/world music/yoga/healing/book/cinema/arts/meditation/travel/Bali/veggy/cooking/anti-nuke/cat/poem 宮城県出身。神戸近辺と、広島と、愛する東北を行ったりきたり。宮城教育大学生涯教育総合課程芸術文化専攻卒業。仙台オペラ協会第6期研究生修了。モーツァルト『フィガロの結婚』『魔笛』チマローザ『秘密の結婚』など古典派オペラにおけるコミカルな役柄やズボン役を得意とした。2000年よりアジアユース合唱団・ジャパンユース合唱団、2004・2005・2008年World Youth Choir 日本代表で参加。国内外の団体にてCD録音・演奏を行う。 現在、古楽・宗教音楽分野を中心にソリストとして、またアンサンブル歌手として演奏活動を行いながらボイストレーナーとして活動中。Cygnus Vocal Octet、Japan Chamber Choir 、アジア多国籍アンサンブルAsiaccatura メンバー、 エリザベト音楽大学付属室内合唱団エリザベトシンガーズ正団員。淀川混声合唱団、エントアール等ボイストレーナー。古楽声楽を広瀬奈緒・高橋絵里・波多野睦美、声楽を應和惠子・岩瀬龍子に師事。ヨガと野菜と旅と猫を愛する低音族草食系長身アルト。