Holly Clark
San Diego, CA
Keynote Speaker: Disrupt Education
I am an educational strategist and innovation specialist from San Diego, California helping teachers innovate instruction in their classrooms. As a Google Certified Innovator, and National Board Certified Teacher I love learning and I am passionate about teaching and learning.
I hold an MA in Technology in Education from Columbia University and have been working with technology integration and 1:1 environments since 2000. My background includes teaching positions throughout the nation including San Francisco, Washington, Chicago and presently work from San Diego. This diversity of teaching positions has given me a great wealth of knowledge to draw from when thinking of ways to innovate curriculum and educate 21st century learners.
As the Technology Curriculum Specialist in River Forest, IL, I worked extensively with technology integration across the curriculum. I specialize and present workshops on 1:1 iPad and Chromebook integration, collaboration, digital citizenship, parents and the digital child, creation literacy and digital student portfolios. My passion for transforming schools and redefining how teachers deliver instruction in the 21st century is something I try to deliver with an infectious enthusiasm. I work hard to inspire others to rethink education.
Co-founder of #caedchat, organizer of EdCamp San Diego and team member of EdTechTeam.
Visit my blog on hollyclark.org or the series I write on Edudemic.com called the Connected Student Series