Holly Riley

Writer in Los Angeles, California

Read my blog

Holly Riley is a born again humorist and recovering digital hoarder. Once upon a time, she was a musical theatre performer, who was betrayed by her own body and forced into early retirement when her knees gave out. Then, fate thought it would be funny to really screw her over by dropping her into a tech support job in the middle of a retail store. No, seriously. She truly believes whoever said, “Blondes have more fun!” needs to be punched in the throat because they’ve obviously never worked in retail. Not long ago, she felt she needed a change in her life and was adopted by a gay couple in California who were looking to avoid diapers and college tuition. Don’t judge. Writing has always been second nature to her, including winning several state level awards in high school for her original oratories she performed on her debate team. She never really entertained the idea of writing being a profession because it seemed to lack the necessary street cred. However, that didn’t stop her from developing a strong online presence by guest blogging for sites like theCompostr and Buzzfeed and interviewing with Entertainment Weekly and The Huffington Post for featured community guest writers. She does Facebook and Tweet and Instagram, but writing her blogs,“The Adventures of Bimbolinaho”, and "Food Allergy Epidemic" are what keep her from ending up on a roof with a rifle. For those that are easily offended by the f-word, chronic cynicism and formidable sarcasm, she recommends you not bother reading The Bimbolinaho Blog..

It will probably just p*ss you off.