Elena Rose Lynn Michelle

Tuscon, AZ

My name is Elena Rose Lynn Michelle. I love to use the Ancient Oils of Scripture in my personal lifestyle. I freed myself from 6 years of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS) and scripture in 6 weeks through the Guidance of my Heavenly Father. I believe that All things are Possible With God our Heavenly Father. I am able to help others with much less time in Miraculous Healing than I did. I work with and coach those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress from Domestic Assault, Sexual Assault, Bullying, Veteran's of War, Loss of a Child or of a Loved One and so much more. I look forward to sharing more Joys of using these Precious Life Giving Ancients Oils of Scripture.

  • Work
    • Life and Freedom From PTSD Coach