Ian Owen (欧文.逸恩)

Chartered Engineer, Director, and Consultant in Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

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Consultant, Designer and Engineer helping develop leading edge proof-of-concepts, creating patent forming products, and providing pilots, trials, systems and solutions on a national scale.

Mashing up electronics, mechanics, optics and software; C, PHP, JavaScript, HTML and DB's in LAMP environments. Spare time mentoring and hacking ideas.

Track record in implementing major government research and development projects into operational environments in the comms, security, intelligent transport and intelligent mobility sectors.

  • Work
    • Mott Macdonald
  • Education
    • BEng Electronics Engineering specialising in Material Science
    • Thesis in chemical deposition of piezoelectric thin film
    • PRINCE2 Accredited, APMG
    • Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council