Ian Remmel

Software Engineer in San Francisco, California

Ian Remmel

Software Engineer in San Francisco, California

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Afflicted with The Knack at an early age, I’ve always been a fixer and a builder. Growing up, I built things with snow, sand, dirt, or Legos (my parents preferred the Legos). In high school, I fixed PCs (wipe and reload, the Windows 9x cure-all). In grad school, I tried to fix Microsoft Outlook for home use (that’s a gross oversimplification - read my thesis or send me a message for more details); when market forces made that project impractical, I turned to web development.

Today, I write web apps to help teams - big and small - collaborate effectively. In April 2013, I joined Collaborate.com as Lead Web Developer. In December 2013, we were acquired by Cisco and I’ve become a software engineer in the Cloud Collaboration Technology Group.

  • Work
    • Cisco
  • Education
    • Pennsylvania State University