Nazar Younis

Consultant in Kansas City, United States

Interested in learning and understanding. My career spans engineering, management consulting, and academia. I am winding down toward contemplation, sometimes called retirement, with poetry and writing about, hopefully, the forefront of knowledge and the human experience. We are created to learn and wonder about the creation, this is not in vain.

I am at the age of discovery, of what it all means. Nature is buzzing with messages of creativity and utter beauty. All creations are peaceful, and follows what they are created for, except the human being! who keeps corrupting the natural order! despite civilization, the end result is more corruption (increasing entropy).

We will never understand the reasons for a lot of things, but we can be humble to accept them, with belief and submission to the omnipotent creator.

The present culture, like many of the vanished cultures, thinks they have all the answers on their own! and this is sad. We keep creating new names of what causes this and that, without realizing that searching for causes of events, without faith is an ill fated journey unless we recognize and submit to the original cause. In other words, there is no glory except the glory of Allah. Human glory is in its elevating its conciouseness to the level that Allah is the origin of all. Otherwise, we are heading toward the abyss of ignorance. We must make a fundamental shift that "We do not know, unless we are let to know by the grace of Allah!" All what we know or did are not creations of us, they are discoveries of what there is already, we did not see it before. Think with humility, to become a real human being.

  • Work
    • Academic
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Engineering