Jerome Cooper

Preventing Frequent Shoulder Strains

The shoulder joint is very flexible, and therefore prone to a lot of injuries and accidents that can severely affect it. The pain that the affected area experiences can range from the moderate to acute level, which depends on the severity of the injury. One of the most common injuries is the shoulder strain. This usually is very frequent amongst the elderly. Nonetheless it can occur in all ages and this strain is different from the sprain which involves the ligaments, whereas the strain is an injury to the muscles and the tendons.

Strain vs. Sprain

There are a number of things that can lead to a shoulder strain. A sprain can occur from an unnatural and accidental twisting of the arm, falling on the shoulder, and even due to excessive hand movement and rotation that leads to a sprain. Now in case the strain, this is normally due to the repetitive movement of the arm, leading to overuse. Simply applying some ice or a relief gel can solve the issue, however if the injury is directed towards the tearing of the muscle or the tendon, then such simple methods are not going to work out and one needs effective medical treatment. In extreme situations surgery may be required, which can take a long time to heal.

The strain myth

Now a shoulder strain is not always an injury, and can often just be inflammation. However, if left untreated, a tear in the rotator cuff muscles can occur. Swelling can occur and can almost render all daily activities futile because it is going to make it very difficult for the injured to make any significant hand and shoulder movement. Now in case your situation is not that extreme, then proper rest can make all the pains go away. A few light and effective exercises can be performed during these times to make sure that the healing process is accelerated.

Protective Gear

One of the ways that can prevent shoulder strain is with the help of wearing protective gears during certain high impact activities and sports. You are not going to be restricted in any way while performing the game but instead will be saved from being inflicted with strain and injuries. It is important to understand that proper exercising will always make sure that your rotator cuff muscles are strong and can bear the pressure of heavy sports and frequent hand movements.

Therefore if you are wondering how to get rid of the pain that you are experiencing due to shoulder muscle strains then the only way to do so is take rest and perform light exerc