Ivan Cantarino

Indie iOS Developer in Porto, Portugal

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Greetings, my name is Ivan Cantarino, I was born in Portugal in the beautiful city of Porto, where I still live.

I have been always trying to figure out how things work, how they're created and how can they be improved since my early age.

Through out all of these experiences I've always been programming small stuff for myself, figuring things out.

I have always been self-taught in almost everything I know, specially in Programming.

#Some work I have done:

- worked as an Android Developer, building management software for Android mobile devices;

- helper-abstract-classes for iOS games and iOS apps;

- crypto solving Cicada 3301 riddles;

#My Apps

Cozynote- a beautiful and simple iOS notes app.

LightMorse - Flashlighting - Convert any text to morse code and use your flashlight to signal it.

Cellular Life Automaton - A simple game based on John Conway's Game Of Life for the iPhone