ivo prata

teacher-artist, Sound light and video tech, and Actor in Aveiro, Portugal

ivo prata

teacher-artist, Sound light and video tech, and Actor in Aveiro, Portugal

Hire me

Lisbon, 1979, borns.
Póvoa de Santa Iria and Alverca - Nice student, nice grades. Studied Humanities.
1997 - Starts working as a professional actor / juggler. Funds MalabArte Street Theater-Circus Company and begins academic experience in Aveiro (New Communication Technologies).

2001, 2005-2010 - Works in a professional theater company, Efémero - CTA, as an actor, technician (audio, light, stage, dynamic and static digital imaging), communication director, web developer / technology assessment and junior trainer.

2010-present - Funds and "drives" Pantopeia, a non-profit cultural association of artistic promotion and creation. Teaches young humans from ages 3-10 in elementary schools and other institutions. Directs the Mini-Theater Company Artes&Palco (arts&stage) of Pantopeia for non-adults. Manages and creates all kinds of cultural events.

From time to time, participates in movies, plays and voiceovers, as well directing other works or projects in the field of training, performance, education and creativity. Storyteller, book and reading promoter since 2011.

people, arts, stage, communication, technology, education - these are my life keywords, personal hashtags, in a form of a big and tasty soup.

  • Work
  • Education
    • New Technologies Communication (NTC)
    • University of Aveiro