Jacek Wojciechowski

Denver, CO

No strings attached! No min number of hours per week required!

What I can do for you -

  • Manage your projects using any commonly known methodology (Scrum / PMI/ Prince2 etc.)
  • Perform a due-diligence of Statements of Work (SOW) (gap analysis, risks, vague language, potential scope creeps)
  • Work with your team to establish a Program Management Office (PMO)
  • Review / develop processes for your organization
  • Independently audit (asses the health) of projects managed by your contractor(s)/third party(s)
  • Convert your needs into manageable projects (project plans)
  • Introduce you to my connections (US based and international) which can complete, promote, and sell any IT job.
  • Perform project close-outs (compare the deliverables provided by your third party against the SOW) to ensure you are not overpaying.