Jack Manning III
- Jack Manning III
- graduated from Hampton University with a degree in Graphic Design that placed a strong emphasis on photography. He started as a campus photographer and was quickly published in newspaper articles and yearbooks.
- 6 years ago, Jack decided to push forward with his photographic passion and start his own company, JAXONPHOTOGROUP. He was quickly published in online magazines, print ads and various articles. Within the first two years of his company's birth, he was published in Ebony magazine, Jet magazine, Billboard online, Honey, ACTV JAPAN, BET.com, and a national ad campaign for NUVO featuring Grammy nominated artist, Trey Songz.
- In 2009 Jack was invited back to his alma mater to photograph the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama. Within that same year, Jack was contracted to photograph all of the images in a text book that is being used now on multiple college campuses including Hampton University.
- Jack has placed an emphasis on commercial, beauty, conceptual, fashion, weddings and portraiture, and is currently available for freelance and contract work worldwide. Jack's studio is based in Atlanta, GA.