Arjuna D. Ghose

Author in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Arjuna D. Ghose

Author in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Read my book

I am the author of The Struggle Within, a nonfictional spiritual inspiration story about an inner relationship with spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, Heaven and hell, spiritual dryness, and many other things.

I am not the teacher in my story, and i mostly don't try to teach anything. I am the soil. The teacher is the flowers which grow within me and up above me.

Here is another analogy: it is my belief that God is like a tree and Sri Chinmoy, Jesus Christ and others are all branches of that tree, and that tree is our own Highest Self. Jesus Christ said, "I am the way and the Goal. No one comes to the Father except through me." Aspiration is the only way to God. Both Sri Chinmoy and Jesus Christ (and other great spiritual Masters) embody aspiration, the way, and salvation, the Goal. The Masters are all one. All roads lead to Rome. Sri Chinmoy said, "There exists only one goal that is Truth, but this goal is expressed and at the same time is sought in different forms."

I invite you to become closer to God through whichever approach that's best for you.

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