Jacob THE William

Musician, Writer, and Filmmaker in Portland, OR

Listen to my music

Colors and numbers, structures and time and movement and vibration and energy and sound and touch - all the ways that humans experience the world around them - is the experience I have with music. It's made me tell the truth, see the truth, and only ever surround myself with whatever is true. Music made me forgive. Music made me accept. Music makes my heart beat, my soul cry, and my body move. Music makes me feel. Music is my only means to life. Music - HOLD UP ....WAIT A SECOND!!!! WOW I JUST CAUGHT MYSELF. I WAS ABOUT TO GET A LITTLE TOO CARRIED AWAY LOL!!!!!

FOR: unique styles & flow ONLY!

Allow yourself to test the limits

of your artistic vulnerabilities,

& creative abilities.

Break ground. Change sound.

Stand apart in limited situations

from those who’ve mastered the art of imitation.

Be a leader who changes the game -

not a follower who sounds the same.


Instrumentals uniquely crafted by the craftiest soundscapists:

Jacobthewilliam - Mr. "Back to Basics".
