Jacquie Duncan Yoga
San Francisco, CA
JACQUIE DUNCAN (BS, MBA, RYT) is a certified yoga instructor and has been practicing and studying the art of yoga for over ten years. After more than a decade successfully navigating the corporate waters at Bain and Google, Jacquie was inspired to begin teaching by Rusty Wells and is certified in Bhakti Flow.
Jacquie is an avid student of Anusara yoga and incorporates these principles into her teaching. Having completed teacher training, and taken several immersions with John Friend, including a specialized training in yoga therapy, Jacquie has embarked on an intensive study of Shiva/Shakti Tantric philosophy with renowned scholar Hareesh Wallis.
In pursuit of bringing the wisdom of the ancient sutras to everyday life, she has come to understand that it is through alignment -- of our bodies, our minds and our intentions that we are able to maximize our human potential.
Offerings: Public and Private Instruction, Corporate Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Yoga 101 and Alignment, Vinyasa Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Yoga Theory, Breathing Techniques, Meditation
Check www.jacquieduncanyoga.com for public class schedule.