James Williams

Designer, Photographer, and Teacher in Dallas, Texas

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Hello there! I'm James, someone who has always found himself fascinated by the inner workings of electronic devices.

My 9-4 day job consists of editing content for my site TechPenny.com.

It all started when I was ten, with an adventurous attempt to uncover the mysteries of a CD player — a little mishap with an electric shock couldn't dampen my spirits!

Fast forward to today, my interests have matured and expanded into the realms of digital technology. I spend my days immersed in learning about the latest developments in the tech world, dabbling in smartphone testing, and navigating the exciting sphere of apps and digital design. It's a journey of continuous learning and I thoroughly enjoy sharing little nuggets of information and advice with anyone who shares similar interests.

Aside from my passion for technology, I have ventured into the field of Ethical Hacking. In a time when the security of our digital spaces is vital, I've equipped myself with the skills to help safeguard computer and WiFi networks against potential threats. It's a responsibility I don't take lightly, and I'm here to lend a hand in ensuring our digital neighborhoods remain safe and secure.

Feel free to reach out if you're keen on a friendly chat about the latest gadgets, or need some guidance in navigating the expansive world of technology. I'm here to help!

More about James Williams:

  • Work
    • TechPenny.com