James Adam Tucker

Actor in Pasadena, California

James Adam Tucker

Actor in Pasadena, California

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Adam Tucker is a union actor, who has appeared in numerous film and television productions. Some of his acting credits include The Mindy Project, The Brittany Murphy Story, He Watches Over Me, The Other Wife, Tosh.O, Within These Walls, Beverly Hills 90210, Hunter, Surviving the Hunt, Criminal Intent, Superior Court and Hair Spray.

Adam / James ADAM Tucker is also an independent filmmaker. He attend college in Maryland at Morgan State University, where he studied film, television and radio production. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree and the award for the most outstanding student in television. Tucker won best feature film for "Eat Your Heart Out" at the 2008 Backseat Film Festival.

At the 2005 Big Apple Film Festival and the Key West Film Festival, Tucker's film "Baby Fat" won best feature film. Over the years he has written, directed and or produced over 20 direct to DVD feature films such as, Within These Walls, Aunt Rose, Skinned Alive, Pink Eye, Locus 4 Life, Kane and Able and Lunatic. Many of his films are available on the Internet at Net Flicks and Amazon.

IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0875884



  • Work
    • Film Director & Producer
  • Education
    • Morgan State University