James Murphy

I am constantly changing, growing, and adapting. My expectations are subject to change, but my morals and values are deeply rooted. I am sincere. I fight hard for what I believe in, and I value the importance of family and friendship. I believe in truth, love, and equality. And I try hard to surround myself with people who share these same ideals.

I appreciate art in all forms. Music empowers me, and dancing is my way of conversation. My body is the pen, Marley floor is the paper, and music is the inspiration. I am accomplished, yet still a novice. I've made many mistakes, and failed countless times, but I never give up, and this is why I succeed.

My goal is to inspire, motivate, and change the way people think about art, passion, and life. To make an impact that lasts, with change you can see and feel long after I'm gone. So here I am, dancing to my own rhythm, creating, sharing, motivating and inspiring, one phrase at a time.