James Jacobson

CEO and Functional Nutriments in Hawaii

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I have been described as both “a serial entrepreneur” and as a “monk in the marketplace.” I have authored best-selling books, been a broadcaster and built businesses that leveraged new trends that were sometimes considered “just a little ahead of their time.”

The overarching theme of my career has been building ventures that make a meaningful difference in the lives of as many people as possible. For over 20 years, that took the form of creating projects and companies that leveraged the power of media including teleproduction, radio, publishing and, the Internet.

Since 2008, my focus has been on Functional Nutriments, a biotech company that has developed and brought to market first-in-class nutraceuticals that induce and support apoptosis. Apoptosis is a critical biological life process that is encoded in the DNA; and the absence of normal levels of apoptosis is linked to serious diseases including cancer.

Growing up in the suburbs of Washington, DC provided me with some unique opportunities including: serving six summers in the United States Senate (first as a Senate page then an intern), playing a lead role in a play at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and hosting a talk show on a major market radio station.

In terms of formal education, I graduated prep school from Landon in Bethesda, Maryland and college from the University of Virginia where I received the University’s highest residential honor of being selected to “live on the Lawn” of Thomas Jefferson’s academical village. Like most entrepreneurs, the lion’s share of my education has occurred from being in the trenches of building businesses.

Businesses that I have developed, founded or helped co-found include a video yearbook company, a teleproduction and video marketing company, a talk radio station, a cable TV network, an e-commerce company, a magazine publisher, a book publisher, and a biotech nutraceutical firm.

Author credentials include How to Mediate with Your Dog: An Introduction to Mediation for Dog Lovers co-authored with Kristine Chandler Madera and the best-selling Hawaii travel series

  • Work
    • Functional Nutriments
  • Education
    • Univerity of Virginia
    • Landon School