Jamie Talan

Jamie Talan

I am a science writer specializing in the brain. I spent the first 25 years of my career as a reporter for a newspaper called Newsday (in New York) and quit when a managing editor (since fired) referred to me in the statement: What are we going to do with those nerds?" He was talking about the two last science reporters at the paper. I left to work at a hospital (writing, of course) and got involved with narrative medicine at a medical school that.was being built. Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine now has four years worth of medical students. I started an art & liteary journal called Narrateur and we have published three gorgeous issues. I have also written two books, one a medical mystery that won an Edgar Award for best non-fiction of 1997 and one on deep brain stimulation. I love a great story, always did. On a personal note, I have raised three kids and must have done something right because two are in science and one is an actor. They all followed their passions and are doing great. I have love, two dogs, cows, horses and abundant stories to tell. A great life.