Janette Coffee

Northern Virginia

I wish I could tell you that my journey to better health and more energy was swift and sudden.

It wasn't.

My story is about the cost of what I thought was my American dream, only to hit rock-bottom, and then the bottom beneath that...

...but there is a happy ending!

The truth is, despite my library of books on raw food, exercise, mind-body balance and every diet book imaginable--a good part of my adult life was spent slumped in an endless, cycle of daily back pain, loudly ringing ears, chronic fatigue, full-body inflammation, a compromised immune system.

It got so bad that I had stepped away from an executive-level sales career in the hospitality/health club industry (rock bottom), only to find that the move DIDN'T improve my health, but my symptoms worsened (beneath rock bottom) despite living my dream life.

So I devoted myself to rejuvenating my health, energy and my looks (vain I know). After lots of trial and error, I learned to listen to my body's natural signals and respond with loving care.

And I know you can too.

My Re-fine Wellness, rejuvenation system makes it simple to get healthier and gain more energy. You'll look (and feel) more vibrant, with every step.

I'm here to support you along the way.

PS. And if you're curious to know what it's like working with me, ask away!

  • Education
    • Institute for Integrative Nutrition
    • Certified Health Coach
    • Certified Pilates Instructor
    • Essential Oil Educator