Janice Crumley

Web Developer and Software Engineer in mondo

Apply for the Seychelles Travel Authorization by the respective local authorities. The following information is required: passport or national identification. Photocopied images can be sent by post. Full name; date of birth; registration number; contact information (cell phone, email, mailing address)


In order to enjoy the Seychelles safari, you need to have the valid Seychelles Travel Authorization. Before you travel to the Island, you will need to show the authorization to the authorities. There are many vehicles that can be used to move around the Island. You will need to follow the right routes. If you're driving, then you need to have the necessary driving permits. You may be required to obtain a special driving permit from the authorities in the Seychelles if you are from overseas.

Port Elizabeth International Airport is located in Port Elizabeth. However, buses, vans, and cars can be taken from Gyeongju, the capital. If you decide to rent a car, you should get a copy of your passport and your Seychelles Travel Authorization so that the driver can take your vehicle to the border. The International Airport has regular flights and you can check in to one of the many budget airlines available from the major cities on the Island. You may have to wait for your connecting flight at the International Airport.

Tourists without a Seychelles Travel Authorization must obtain a CVC at the airport. This will allow you to enter through passport control. CVCs are issued at the port of departure and they are valid for fourteen days. Tourists must obtain a new CVC after 14 days. Failure to obtain a CVC every 14 days will result in penalties.

Visitors who have a Seychelles Travel Authorization (CVC) and can obtain a CVC are allowed to stay on the Island without needing a visa. As long as they are Seychelles visitors, the travellers don't need a visa. However, they are not allowed to leave the island without travelling through immigration. Those who are travelling on student visas need to secure student entry card from the SIA or the South African consulate. Students have three years to obtain a student visa, but are obliged to remain on the Island for six continuous months after studying.