Janice Lynn Burke

Janice Lynn Burke

I am a Christian, a Helper, a Talker, & a Fitness Freak
I'm a Stay at home mommy of two fast growing Boys
I'm in love & married to the Best Man in the World;
he is a wonderful father & my biggest supporter!
I will always want to be a better mom, wife, friend and person.
I woke up one moring and realized how unhappy I was with myself,
losing a loved one to cancer took its toll on our family,
but that is exactly where my life long journey begans!
I took action, made some Changes; it started
with little changes here & there, but quicly turned into
a passion, it was exactly what I needed!
I love all things "healthy"
And I decided to set the example for my family.
For the first time in over 5 years I now enjoy shopping for clothes!
My one true wish is to help
others Reach their own personal and fitness Goals!
I became an Independent Beach Body Coach
so I Could be apart of a team that would hold me accountable.
has helped me stick with it, I'm still going strong!
I have exceeded my own expectations and Gaols!
And now this job allows me to share my experience with others!
It turned out to be the perfect PT job for this stay at home Mommy!
Its super Rewarding to Serve others and see them set and reach their Goals.
A thank you is nice, But the Real Thank you comes
when I see the Change in some one I have helped in one way or another!
I remember that Feeling and to see others experience it;
Reminds me of Why I chose this career and do what I doEvery day!
I love being apart of this company it puts People First,
And it gives me the tools to reach my goals,
and the tools for me to help others
decide, commit and succeed

I'm truly thankful and so so blessed!
Everything I have and Do Is a gift from God!
He created me and gave me life, gifts, talents, family, frinds and a Purpose!
And I choose to use it all for is Glory!
Jesus has set the example of Love, compassion, faith, love, Hope and above all Service. And I want to follow in his Footsteps!

How Can I help/serve you? Lets start today!