Jared Dees

Writer, Public Speaker, and Father in South Bend, Indiana

Jared Dees

Writer, Public Speaker, and Father in South Bend, Indiana

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Jared Dees is the creator of the popular website The Religion Teacher, which provides practical resources and effective teaching strategies to religious educators. A respected graduate of the Alliance for Catholic Education program at the University of Notre Dame, Dees earned master’s degrees in education and theology, both from Notre Dame. He has volunteered for and worked in a wide variety of Catholic ministries, including Catholic schools, parish religious education, youth ministry, campus ministry, RCIA, and adult faith formation. Dees is the content marketing manager at Ave Maria Press and the author of Praying the Angelus, 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, and To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach. His articles have appeared in Momentum, CATECHIST, Catechetical Leader, and on numerous websites. Dees lives in South Bend, Indiana, with his wife and four children.