Jared Purdy

Toronto, Canada

I'm a teacher Centennial College in Toronto, Canada. Political junkie. I teach subjects in human rights, anti-racism, women's issues, political economy, Aboriginal issues, development and conflict studies and other stuff....

Toronto, Canada is currently my home, and has been for the last 23 years. I'm fairly well travelled, at least around North America, parts of Africa and a lot of the West Indies. I'm married, and have been for 22 years to a woman orignally from Jamaica ("you can take the girl out of the country but you can't tke the country out of the girl") and that relationship informs much of my life. We have 17 year old daughter who is soon to be 25.

I'm a dog lover, and have had them in my life for most of my 53 years, including my beautiful german sheppard, Roxy, sitting outside with me right now as I type this.

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but being better at playing the guitar would be one thing.

The one thing that gives me immense joy, is when my students tell me that they enjoy what I teach, and that they have been moved by something that I have introduced to them.

  • Work
    • Teacher, Centennial College.
  • Education
    • MA in Anti-Racism & Organ. Change, BA in Soc. and Native Studies