Jason Bell

DevOps Engineer in Northern Ireland, UK

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Jason Bell has been working with customer centric data since 2002 and been involved in software development for over 20 years. He created Cloudatics which acts as a more human interface to Hadoop for Small/Medium Enterprise. Enabling them to gain insight to their data easily and without programming. Ever enthused by the data around us Jason talks on BigData, points, gamification and how group deals can hurt. One of his recent presentations linked eHarmony, regression data mining, sweatpeas, Darwin and the Tesco Clubcard together. Jason was section editor for Java Developer's Journal, a writer on IBM DeveloperWorks, the Belfast Telegraph and written about BigData for Ulster Business magazine. He blogs regularly at Data is sexy. At present Jason is data engineer for MastodonC working with Spark and Clojure. He also advises companies on their BigData stack (Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, Pig, Sqoop) and other data issues.

  • Work
    • Digitalis.io