jason fink

Public Health education in Seattle, WA

jason fink

Public Health education in Seattle, WA

Hire me

I'm a well-traveled, multi-lingualish, part-time stay at home dad. Grew up in the 70's between Berkeley, CA and rural OK - how's that for a cross-cultural experience?

Have many degrees under my belt, as I love learning. My 1st college was UCSC -go Banana Slugs! - and it's been a crazy ride since

Currently in Seattle, plugging away on my keyboard between drops of rain & drippings of coffee.

Written 2 books, just published one. It's a modern fantasy (think Harry Potter for grown ups, & an African American woman protag). Jasmine Cowl & The Salagi Talking Stick

2nd... is near and dear to me - quirky, probably best reflects what goes on in my brain. Quantum Prosthetics

  • Work
    • Stay-at-home-dad, unpublished author, Residency Co
  • Education
    • BA in History; MHSA; MD; AA in Medical Assisting & others.