Jason Hurns


Jason L. Hurns: With finishing up his first two years as an academic student and colligate athlete at San Bernardino Valley College located in San Bernardino, CA Jason received a Liberal of Arts Degree (2008). Hurns then transferred to the University of Houston to pursue his Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics as well as his basketball career as a Houston Cougar coached under Tom Penders. Jason became one of the flew athletes in Houston Cougar history to become a member of the NCAA Basketball Team without being recruited or having any video footage. Jason Hurns then started a youth basketball training and mentoring organization that concentrates on the physical, spiritual, and mental growth as well as stamina of the youth. Jason planted positive seeds and the concept of understanding the importance of teamwork in his youth. Later Hurns transferred to Texas Southern University to finish up his college career as an academic student, showing interest in traveling, Jason joined Mint Internationals as a Project Coordinator to polish his professional abilities. He would soon bridge the gap between corporate America to the political arena. Hurns would soon befriend Senator Rodney Ellis 13th District, receiving an invitation to apply for the Texas Legislative Internship Program (TLIP). Awaiting his results Jason L. Hurns had a brining desire to give back to his community by joining the Collegiate 100 Men of America, Texas Southern University College Chapter, which he would be mentored, polished, and sharpened into the man he was destine to become.

"Don’t allow fear to become the god in your life"

  • Work
    • IY AMM Youth Organization
  • Education
    • Texas Southern University