Jason Dowd

Web Developer, Artist, and Photographer in New Port Richey, Florida

Jason Dowd

Web Developer, Artist, and Photographer in New Port Richey, Florida

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If you asked Jason Dowd to describe himself with one word, he would say an “artist;” nothing more, nothing less.

Jason is a self-taught photographer and photo editor. In 2003 Jason opened Dowd Studios, Inc., a full service photography studio including: restorations, video, photography, archiving, websites and graphics.

Jason is an award winning, international exhibiting photographer, and commissioned by "The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint" to photograph the historic campaign stop of now President Barack Obama in Tampa, 2008.

2010 also marked the international debut of "Dreams, Nightmares, Fears and Fantasy" collection... Jason's first art collection that premiered in "THAT GALLERY" located in Hong Kong China.

My work has been seen in galleries across the globe including: Hong Kong, China - San Diego, CA - Arcadia, FL - Macon, GA - Tarpon Springs, FL - Land O Lakes, FL - Tampa, FL and more.

My work has been featured in Blogcritics.com, Good Day Tampa Bay FOX 13, ABC Action News Sacramento, The Laker, and more.

Jason studied the photographic styles of the past masters and has implemented the same feel into his work. He's known to make the ugly and dilapidated and make it beautiful.