Jason Fraser

Washington DC

Born on February 4, 1985 in the Washington DC area, I grew up as the second to last child of five. I was raised by a single mother and numerous family members who inspired me to be the best I could be in everything. As a child, I grew up singing, dancing and always expressing myself through some form of musical activity. When I was 10 years old, I discovered my love for instrumental music. My first instrument was the saxophone and I mastered it all the way up until high school.

Looking for a change, I switched to a new instrument and found a love for the trumpet. I began playing at age 14 and have been an active trumpet player for the past 14 years. I participated in the school marching band where I was a drum major for my junior and senior years, as well as band president my senior year. My role in the band not only helped enhance my musical skills, but helped me to find my leadership skills as well. During these years, I also began to find an interest in other fields of music, namely vocal performance. I began my involvement in the high school choir as well as my local church choir where I sang and played the trumpet every week.

Upon graduation from high school, I began taking interest in the legal aspects of the music business. I went on to attend Howard University as an English major where I took several law elective and English courses to enhance my knowledge of legal terms and my vocabulary. While I explored this field of study, I continued to involve myself in music by marching in the Howard University "Showtime" Marching Band.

Upon leaving Howard University, I experienced a period where I didn't know what I wanted to do with my career. Then one day, I had an epiphany. While attending a local open mic night, I heard a local artist sing live and said to myself, "She is an amazing talent. I wonder why nobody has discovered her." At that point, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to explore artist management and help amazing artist get discovered by major labels and launch successful careers. I also wanted to explore the legal side of the industry by becoming an entertainment attorney. I have a strong belief that true talent needs to stay relevant, and while the industry is full of talented artists, vocal performance and great representation is key to a successful career. With that belief, I want to help change the industry.

  • Work
    • Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Door LLP
  • Education
    • Full Sail University
    • Howard University