Javier Vera
1995: Graduate as Physician by the University of Seville.
Certify of competence on research 1998.
Title of Specialist in Internal Medicine (MIR) on 2002. Representant of residents 1999-2002.
First Doctor to Stage through AETSA, a State-funded Agency to submit evidence based opinions by request. This provided him with an ability to deal efficiently with scientific information .
2002-2008: Assistant Physician of Internal Medicine on Centro Hospitalar do Barlavento Algarvio (Portugal), where he actively participated on clinical studies, formed part of the Teaching Comission as well as and many other activities.
On these years, he also worked as a freelance translator of Medical books and freelance Researcher/advisor for the Spanish Goverment on Health issues. He also was asked to collabore with a prestigious private Hospital, where he worked on call, with excellent feedback.
On 2008 the first Partnership between a private group and the State on a Health Institution takes place, his collaboration being requested as Assistant Director and Head of Internal Medicine. Until he leaved, the Center receiving several awards and was described as "model".
2009-2011: Postdoctorate in Management of Health Units.
On 2010, The same charge was offered on a recently opened private Hospital whose results had been poor nevertheless the acquisition of State-of-the-art technology and several marketing operations. Accepted the challenge, two years later, the Unit was fully licensed for the State, multiplyied its activity beyond the forecasted, and became the first Private Unit on the South of the Country with Oncology and Cardiac Surgery.
On 2012, initiated his adventure as entrepreneur.
The future is yet to be written...