Jay DeWitt
Attorney in East Texas
My name is Jay DeWitt. I recently moved to Columbus, Texas from Longview, Texas to be with my family while I recover from nine major surgeries to save my leg from an infection acquired from a joint replacement. In 2013, I had to unexpectedly close my successful legal practice and since that time I have been working hard to return to work! Whether I work in Columbus or back in Longview, Texas, I assure you that I will provide the best legal representation available given the circumstances and type of case. I will treat each client with respect and compassion, but will be aggressive in my representation when needed to protect the interests of the client whether it involves your freedom or the rights to your children in a family law matter. During this time of the year when many are enjoying the holiday parties and New Years, the best advice is to designate a driver or utilize a cab or Uber. If stopped, any refusal of taking the Standard FST's ( Field Sobriety Tests), there will be a mandatory arrest and a warrant to seize your blood to determine your BAC. If the Blood Alcohol Content is .08 or greater then you will be charged with DWI. In today's society these are being treated very serious by the Judicial system with lengthy punishments and expensive fines. If arrested, contact The DeWitt Law Firm, as time is of the essence to begin working on your case and to establish an appeal of the suspension of your DL. In Texas, you have fifteen days from the day of the arrest to appeal a suspension. If your license is suspended, the laws in most jurisdictions have made it more difficult to acquire a "hardship" or occupational license so you need an attorney with nearly 17 years of experience and dedication in representing those accused of DWI/ DUI. If stopped, the officer is looking for clues of intoxication so be polite and only speak in yes/no responses where possible. If you are arrested, contact the DeWitt Law Firm immediately at 903.985.1675. Let the experience and dedication of this law office work for you to provide the best representation possible. From everyone at the DeWitt Law Firm, have a safe and joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!!