Jaye Hart

Jaye Hart

Jaye Hart has spent the last two years completely immersed in the Indie book world. What started out as a love of reading, morphed over time to helping authors on varied fronts: Personal Assistant, Street Team Leader, Blogger, and Marketing and Promotions Director for Bitten Press LLC. At the end of the day, it always came back to the love of reading and how to help authors get their books recognized. Therefore, Rebelle was created. With a strong understanding of English and Grammar, as well as possessing strong insight into how a misspelled word or misuse/lack of punctuation can convert an amazing read into a mediocre one, at Rebelle we guarantee that after the book is written, edits have been completed, proofreading is an added advantage that will take the author from good to great.

  • Work
    • Proofreader