
An amateur photographer, mountain climber, fetlife member, vinologist, poker player, project manager, lover, joker, fine diner and he likes to dance in the rain. After after getting his Law Degree, the urge was there to feed the creativity hunger. Started buying and collecting art, mainly paintings and photographs and likes to beam high resolution pictures of all sorts on a big wall and let the discussion flow with good wine with friends & crew.

Why these photography blogs, Fragments and Breathtaking Portraits?

  • Appreciation of art.
  • Self expression.
  • It's as a second life, an alibi.
  • The photos show the world as we know it - or not - or would like to know it.

If you like to comment in general or ask a question, please don't hesitate to send a muse!

Cheers & have a great day!


[email protected]

Credits and Permissions:
Any image presented in these blogs may be subject to copyright and remain the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. If you hold the copyright to a specific photograph or other artwork and do not wish to have it appear on these blog, please mail and it shall be removed.