Jazmine Eternala

Namaste In'Lakesh Ala Kin! My Name Is Jazmine I Live in Sedona Arizona which is a Energetic Pulse point and Vortex on our planet. I am Extremly excited to bring myself in service to you. I am a Hyperdimensional Galactic Reiki Master, and Cosmic Ambassador here to assit the planet in its process of becoming a 5th Dimesional star.

The Serivices I offer include but are not limited too, Cosmic Reiki, Twin Flame sessions, Genetic Coding and Activation, Akashic record readings, Astral parasite removal, Hyperdimensional Timeline Therapy, Soul Fragment retrieval and Distant Healing, Astrology & Psychic Readings.

I have helped people from all over the Planet remember who they are and align with their soul contract in order to fullfill their divine purpose and destiny. Ive have assited people in the remembrance of which star system there soul originated from and why they came to this planet. I Have Healed people through the Profound Love that I extend from the Highest Dimensions of Love. My presence is itself healing and activating, however if one requires the asssitance of a Hyperdimensional Angelic to Heal remember or activate their divine potiental please contact me. I extend myself in service to you.

We are the Ones we have awaited

For a free consultation Skype/Phone/or In person session w/ Me please email me at

[email protected]

or contact me Via Facebook

Kodoish Adonai Elohim

Namaste In'Lakesh Ala Kin

Love & Light