Jean Waggoner
Riverside County, CA, U.S.A.
Jean Waggoner
Riverside County, CA, U.S.A.
I'm good at teasing fine writing out of others. I'd like to flip my teaching/writing ratio, spend more time with friends, become more fluent in Turkish, Spanish and French, get more exercise, reactivate my "Mad Freeway Flier" blog and get back to playing music, especially now that I have the Renaissance lute I wanted at 18. I teach college English, Business English and English as a Second Language, both on-line and face-to-face. I publish poetry and short stories in obscure journals and I co-authored The Freeway Flier and the Life of the Mind as an effort to highlight the precariat working conditions faced by up to 85% of America's college and university faculty who are not tenured or on tenure track. You can find me on LinkedIn, on Twitter @#TKVest and on FaceBook as myself and as a page administrator for Idyllwild Inlandia Writers and California Part-time Faculty Association.