
Photographer, Social Media Manager, and Filmmaker in San Antonio, Texas

I produce media for businesses across multiple industries to help others to get their message across. My work includes video production, videography, video editing, photography, graphic design, & graphic animation. Companies use the aforementioned media for a plethora of tasks including marketing events, populating social media pages with content, and event coverage.

My mission to help others communicate stems from my personal mantra that if I can help, then I should help! Consequently a bulk of my experience transpired through my involvement in the non-profit arena for organizations including women's groups, churches, and community-based organizations. Additionally, I have worked in education, community relations, news, broadcasting, and customer service.

When I'm not producing media for profit, I am producing media for fun! I've heard it said that when you choose a job you love, that you will never have to work a day in your and I can certainly attest to that sentiment.

  • Work
    • ByJRochelle
  • Education
    • University of Houston
    • University of Louisiana at Lafayette